Wednesday 15 August 2012


Just a quick one to see if this works still! Cant believe I forgot all the passwords and even the email address to log in! Ok, back in Blighty...good old British weather! Never let you down eh! Actually its not been too bad, poured down today but it aint gonna stop me getting out! Fingers crossed all this works as normal and I can start blogging again from the UK, ive missed it :) Carl

Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!!


Just a short one to wish you all a Happy New Year!

Cant believe the year has gone by so quickly!! 2011 had its up and downs, friending Paul Mort was a highlight and has helped me develop another side of the business, my family leaving Spain was definitely a down, however, as Max signed a contract with Wigan it had an UP! Im pleased to say he is doing fantastic and loving his new life back in Liverpool.

And as for me and 2012.....lets wait and see!

Sunday 23 October 2011

Rainy Day in Marbella!!

Hey everyone,

The weather has taken a turn in Marbella today but it hasn’t stopped the cheerleaders turning up and having a great class this morning at Kudo, to say its damp is an understatement!!

Got me thinking about when I was in the UK and students would turn up in all weathers…we were used to it so it wasn’t something out of the blue to get heavy rain, however, considering it hasn’t rained for 5 months here in Marbella I can see how it has come as a bit of a shock to so many people here!

So how do you encourage students to participate even when circumstances may be difficult to motivate them to turn up?

Give them a REASON to come to the next class, tell them they are going to be doing something new that they have not done before, maybe a new challenge, whether that be fitness or technique.

Give them updates on what you are currently doing and make them aware of it in every way possible, i.e., email, social networking, texts and even phone calls.

Give them literature or videos of what you are doing, post it on facebook or on set up a youtube account and make regular updates and send them links via email or text.

Personally I have a crazy week ahead with the start of a brand new fitness concept called KickBox-Fit (a little plug for me) starting at the academy on the 31st of October, it’s a level based fitness regime based on kickboxing and martial arts with MOTIVATION being the key word, it’s a lot of fun whilst getting you in the BEST shape EVER!!

Zubma starts this Monday the 24th of October and has got some GREAT reviews so far along the Costa Del Sol so be sure to tell everyone if its something that interest you, first week FREE!!
